This event is a multi-Location annual lake clean-up partnered with Watts Bar Lake Association. Cleanups take place from 9 A.M. to noon. Volunteers, team leaders, and boat owners are all needed to help make a difference! Last year, 77 participants collected 86 tires and 13,500 pounds of trash—let’s do even more this year!
Locations are: Roane County - Blue Springs Marina Boat Ramp Contact person - Peter Giroux 404-304-1115 (Early arrival is preferred, teams are leaving promptly at 9!)
Kingston - TBD, Paint Rock. Contact person - Dirk Van Hoesen
Meigs County - Mr. Twister Ten Mile. Contact person - Harry 803-640-7870
Rhea County - Arrowhead Resort, Spring City Veteran's Park Contact person - Andy Essex 317-509-2793