Tennessee RiverLine a Year in Review

Tennessee RiverLine 2021 Annual Report Released

As we reflect on the many ways we progressed toward our shared vision for the Tennessee RiverLine this past year, they all have one thing in common: partnerships made them possible.

We celebrate this progress in our 2021 Annual Report!

In 2021, we gathered as partners to learn, celebrate and experience our treasured river. Our Virtual Summit convened stakeholders from across the country to share successes, build a common language and reassert diversity, equity and inclusivity as shared priorities. We gathered in Knoxville to celebrate the official launch of the Tennessee RiverLine, marking a transition in our shared effort to public programming and infrastructure development.

Fifteen communities in three states became a part of the Tennessee RiverLine as the inaugural cohort of the Tennessee RiverTowns Program. Their leadership teams, volunteers and partner organizations collaborated to break down barriers to river spaces and experiences, remove thousands of pounds of litter from its shores and celebrate the heritage of our most valuable natural and cultural resource.

Tennessee River communities truly are the beating heart of the Tennessee RiverLine. More than one million people live in the diverse river communities now enrolled in the Tennessee RiverTowns Program. Each community is positioned to fulfill its own vision for the Tennessee RiverLine in ways that are true to its unique identity, yet bound by our shared values. The story of the momentum building behind our historic initiative is being shared with national audiences, and the world is again looking to the storied Tennessee River valley with great curiosity about our shared effort and in anticipation for what the future holds.

The successes celebrated in this report were made possible through the generous support of our principal partners -the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Tennessee Valley Authority, as well as the commitment of many organizations and volunteers who comprise our Partnership. The successes are also the result of the vision and effort of Tennessee River community leadership, residents and the enthusiasm of supporters across the region.