Tennessee RiverLine Launches Vision Video
The Tennessee RiverLine team is pleased to announce its new, first-ever video.
The Vision Video depicts the bold vision for a continuous system of multimodal trail experiences along the Tennessee River that connects Knoxville, TN, to Paducah, KY. For the Tennessee RiverLine team and the Partnership, this video instills excitement and inspiration about the transformative project, and we believe you’ll feel the same.
Once you’ve had a chance to enjoy this inspirational video, please partner with us by sharing this video to your social media and with your friends, family, colleagues and fellow advocates of the Tennessee River.
Thank you to the partners who helped make this video possible, in particular the University of Tennessee Office of Communications and Marketing who produced this incredible depiction of the Tennessee RiverLine team, the bold vision, and what we, working together as a community and as a region, can achieve.