Hardin County, Tennessee
Countywide Trail Framework Plan
Phase One: 652 to YOU
CPI began with a public engagement program called 652 to YOU, which is an opportunity for community leaders and residents to provide feedback about existing recreation experiences and infrastructure on or along the river, and to share ideas for their improvement by participating in a series of interactive activities facilitated by our team.
After completing 652 to YOU, Hardin County received a report of the findings and a list of recommendations for how the community can make progress toward their aspirations. In addition, a list of potential projects was identified based on the community’s shared vision for their section of the Tennessee RiverLine. Hardin County desired for the team to study the entire county’s river-based recreation assets with special attention to Pittsburg Landing, the Savannah riverfront, Saltillo Landing, and Pickwick State Park in Phase Two.
The following recommendations were outlined in Hardin County’s 652 to YOU report:
Build a Local Paddle Culture
Enhance Gear Availability
Connecting Countywide Assets - Trails on Land and Water
Foster Agricultural Relationships through Collaboration with UT Extension
Showcase Hardin County’s Rich History through Interpretative Trails
Education: River as Shared Space
Leadership Development
Leverage Existing Funding Opportunities, Advocate for New Sources

Project Goals
Based on the feedback received from Hardin County’s Local Leadership Team as well as the community-wide survey, the Tennessee RiverLine Planning and Design team has identified 3 primary project goals that the priority placemaking project seeks to accomplish:
Connect Hardin County’s recreation assets and increase waterfront trail opportunities
Commemorate Hardin County’s rich history through interpretive signage
Provide updated, functional amenities to improve user experience at parks and recreation destinations within the county
With the work accomplished through the Tennessee RiverLine’s Community Planning Initiative, Hardin County’s priority placemaking project represents a unique opportunity for the community to continue building upon the momentum they have gained since 652 to YOU in 2022. Through extensive community feedback and engagement with organizational partners, including but not limited to the USDA, Hardin County Tourism, Tennessee River Museum, Friends of Pickwick, UT Extension, and TVA, this project has been carefully tailored to meet the aspirations of its residents and local leaders.
By enhancing equitable river access, educating through cultural interpretation, and becoming a signature destination along the Tennessee River for outdoor recreation, Hardin County will serve as a catalyst for social connection, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.
Conceptual Site Plan
Conceptual Renderings

Thank you to our CPI Supporters
CPI was made possible by funding through the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge, as well as through the generous support of 3M Decatur with funds from the 3M Foundation and the Tennessee RiverLine’s principal partners, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.