Huntsville, Alabama
Phase One: 652 to YOU
CPI began with a public engagement program called 652 to YOU, which is an opportunity for community leaders and residents to provide feedback about existing recreation experiences and infrastructure on or along the river, and to share ideas for their improvement by participating in a series of interactive activities facilitated by our team.
After completing 652 to YOU, Huntsville received a report of the findings and a list of recommendations for how the community can make progress toward their aspirations. In addition, a list of potential projects was identified based on the community’s shared vision for their section of the Tennessee RiverLine. Huntsville selected the East Harbor site as their priority placemaking project to study in Phase Two.
The following recommendations were outlined in Huntsville’s 652 to YOU report:
Continue Cultivating Paddle Culture
Enhance Gear Availability
Establish a Local Water Trail, Foster Relationships with Redstone Arsenal and Allied Initiatives
Education: River as Shared Space
Build Partnerships to the East and West
Reimagine Ditto Landing
Leadership Development
Leverage Existing Funding Opportunities, Advocate for New Sources

The Huntsville Local Leadership Team, with the guidance of the Tennessee RiverLine planning and design team, selected the site currently known as East Harbor at Ditto Landing as the priority placemaking project. The site was selected because of its location, proximity to Ditto Landing, and the potential for upgrades. There is an established boat ramp needing repair, a parking area, a community building, and a restroom currently on the site. The leadership team feels that adding kayak access and rentals, a food truck area, and other amenities on the site would enhance the site and create new opportunities for outdoor recreation in Huntsville. The leadership would like to see safe and accessible paddling access and biking amenities on the site. The community would like to see areas to enjoy the view, picnicking and concessions, fishing, and adaptive paddling access on the site.
Project Goals
Based on the feedback received from Huntsville’s Local Leadership Team as well as the community-wide survey, the Tennessee RiverLine Planning and Design team has identified 5 primary project goals that the park design at East Harbor seeks to accomplish:
To establish East Harbor as a destination for paddlesports with safe and accessible river access and amenities.
To create a “Riverfront Retreat” and event venue to generate revenue through rentals for corporate retreats, weddings, family reunions, or other intimate events.
To further connect East Harbor to the Tennessee River Greenway and other connected systems and provide amenities for bicyclists.
To provide picnicking and food concessions opportunities such as food truck events.
To accommodate space for boat slip rentals.
Conceptual Site Plan
Conceptual Renderings