Tennessee RiverLine Gap Analysis
To better understand the many assets, opportunities, and strategic areas of investment across the Tennessee River region, the Tennessee RiverLine Gap Analysis was completed in collaboration with the University of Tennessee Chattanooga’s Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technology Lab (IGTLab), Tennessee Valley Authority, and our community partners.
The purpose of the study was to outline the potential for funding sources that may support the efforts of each community in establishing amenities that enhance their local water trails and connective systems, outline the next steps for the Tennessee RiverLine in maintaining a comprehensive inventory of River Experiences, and to collect and report all of the data that currently exists for the Tennessee River and its communities.
The study aimed to answer the following research questions:
Where are distances between amenities and services less than optimal?
Where are river experiences optimized for non-motorized recreation users (low profile docks, launch slides or beaches, lockable gear storage, alternative transportation, connecting greenways/pedestrian routes, paddler-only launch facility)?
What communities are underserved by river experience amenities and services (including rentals, paddling programs for under-represented communities) - rural, economically distressed, low-income, racial minorities?
The Gap Analysis has been a valuable tool in developing conceptual designs, creating funding strategies, and designing the Plan Your Journey interactive web map. The same amenity inventory compiled for the Gap Analysis was used by UT Chattanooga’s IGTLab to develop the Plan Your Journey map.

Project Team: Tennessee RiverLine; University of Chattanooga Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technology Lab (IGTLab); Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA); Tennessee RiverTowns