RiverLine Roamer - A Kit of Parks
While all river communities are presented with great opportunities to reimagine their relationship with the Tennessee River, not all have the financial or political capital to move forward with transformational investments without first building the confidence and support of area residents and stakeholders.
RiverLine Roamer is a mobile and modular strategy through which such communities can deploy temporary prototypes of amenities that initiate new river spaces and experiences while building constituencies and discussions around more permanent investments. The Roamer system’s menu of module options offers communities the chance to match their deployment with their community’s needs and opportunities. Modules arrive at a recipient community as a comprehensive kit of parts that functions as a temporary amenity experiment that, once deployed, catalyzes river recreation, ecosystem education, and community engagement with the river landscape. The feedback and observed use of the temporary module installations establish proof of concept, dialogue, and communal support necessary to mobilize resources for more permanent infrastructure investments as the modules are readied for redeployment in another RiverLine community.
UT River Studio 2019
Location: Across the Tennessee River
Student: Caleb Brackney
Faculty Advisor: Brad Collett